frequently asked question
How does the counselling coverage from SAM’s Team work?
Individuals submit the application form which indicates how many sessions they are requesting assistance with and the cost per session. Individuals must be receiving counselling from a professional with a counselling related masters or doctoral degree. Individuals who are completing an internship in such a program will also be considered on a case by case basis. Funding is on a first come, first serve basis.
Why is a service like this required? Is mental health care not free under our health care system?
Mental Health and Addictions services are free under the NB healthcare system, however there are very long wait times and limited amounts of resources. People often turn to private counselling as a way to get more timely care. However, private counselling can cost between $50-$250 per session, which makes private counselling financially out of reach for many people.
Do insurance/benefit plans not cover counselling?
Many insurance plans do cover a portion, however it normally tops out at a certain dollar figure per year. For example, a plan that covers 80% up to $300 per year would only cover 2.5 sessions with a counsellor that charges $150 per session. Additionally, many people in the Miramichi area don’t have any medical insurance, so they would have to pay 100% of the fee.
How to get help!
We will be accepting applications for support in the near future.
Is this a registered charity?
We are currently in the process of getting registered charity status.
Where does the money go?
90% of the money raised goes toward our main cause, which is assisting with payment of private counselling sessions. The other 10% covers administration, bank fees, legal fees, insurance, etc.